If you haven't seen the movie The Terminal, I'm sorry, because I'm going to give away the plot now.
In this movie, Tom Hanks' character is flying into the United States when an uprising happens in his country. He basically becomes a man without a country, and is not allowed to either return to his country or to leave the airport and enter the U.S. He ends up living in the airport for weeks, detained and completely helpless.
(This is pretty much exactly what I looked like in Migration on Friday. Except maybe add in a lot more tears and some shrieking.)
While my situation is certainly much less dire, Tom Hanks' characters and I have a few things in common:
1. Neither of us may leave the place where we currently are.
2. Both of us are in the country illegally.
3. Both of us are really freaking confused.
This is pretty much where the similarities end, because unlike Tom Hanks, I have food, a place to stay, and money. I also have freedom to move about the country I'm in, just not the freedom to leave it.
So, this is where I'm at. I'm trying to enjoy my last few unexpected days in Ecuador, though I'm disappointed that I missed my own college graduation and I'm anxious to see my friends and family outside of a computer screen. The worst part of this situation is that it was preventable and is a result of my total and complete ignorance. I don't really like when that happens.
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