So, not my catchiest blog post title, but I think that sentence is hilarious, so I keep taking the opportunity to say/write it.
Last weekend it was finally a slightly less cloudy day here in Quito, so I took advantage of this and went to the Teleferiqo. Teleferiqo is basically a cable car that takes you thousands of feet into the air and leaves you near the top of the Pichincha volcano. It looks like this:
Once you reach the top of the mountain/volcano/clouds, it is recommended that you drink tea and eat chocolate. Of course I did this. Recommended to eat chocolate? Thank you, ideal prescription!
After you have been sufficiently sugared up, you can either hike the rest of the way to the summit, or you can ride a horse. Chocolate and sitting down? I'll take the horse!
Look! It's me on a white horse! Almost like a knight in shining armor, right?
Since it was my second time on a horse, I was clearly a pro. Never mind that horses apparently use different commands when they live in Spanish-speaking countries, I was squealing, grunting, and yelping like a champion jockey. I even survived long enough to take this classy photo with my friend Priscilla. You can see that we appear to be prize-winning, horseback-riding, fabulous young ladies.
After conquering the mountain on our valiant steeds, we descended the volcano in the cable car once again. Although it was a clearer day than most, it was still really cloudy way up in the mountains, so this is the best picture I was able to take from inside the car. Although foggy, the view is still pretty breathtaking and you can see how high up we were!
Yay mountains!
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