Well, it didn't work. I even asked nicely but to no avail. Yes, I'm still in the States. Whether you believe in luck, fate, or karma, clearly none of it is on my side. After days of waiting for my visa to arrive, I finally gave up all hope and called the consulate, my voice dripping with despair. Seriously.
They informed me, via form letter/email, that because I had not included a prepaid addressed envelope with my paperwork that they were not able to send it back, and that they had been holding onto it for 10 DAYS. Naturally, I was not pleased. Yes, I probably should have contacted them before the day before I was supposed to depart the country, but also, they probably should have contacted me on one of the 10 DAYS that they had my passport and did nothing.
So, I canceled my flights, notified everyone I needed to, and settled in to wait. And by wait, I mean feel like I was on house arrest and check the mailbox six times an hour. Very exciting.
On the bright side, after moping around for two weeks and watching an obscene amount of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, I am finally getting out! I have new flights booked for tomorrow that I am determined will get me safely and speedily out of this country and into Ecuador.
I did end up missing the first three days of school, which I am slightly depressed about, but I am so excited to finally get there and meet the staff/students at my school. What I need now is some extra travel luck, fate, and/or karma. So please, send me some happy thoughts. I'd prefer not to crash, lose my luggage, or get kidnapped tomorrow. Thanks!
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