Churches are to Quito as Starbucks are to New York. This is not an exaggeration.
However shocking, I have to take a second to admire each of the churches I have been in so far. Whether they are small, enormous, traditional, understated, gothic or lavish, each of them has been beautiful. While I have never understood the necessity of extravagance in places of worship, I have to admit that I appreciate having something pretty to look at while the rest of the congregation mutters prayers in Spanish and I mumble "watermelon" over and over to look as if I belong.
On Saturday I visited one of the most famous churches in Quito, the church of La Compania. Both fortunately and unfortunately, this church has been designated as one of seven historical landmarks in Quito, and photos are not allowed within. I can hardly attempt to describe the appearance of this gorgeous building, but close your eyes and picture an interior entirely of gold, with every surface covered in gorgeous Baroque details, and you might get a slight inkling of what I saw. It was amazing. Literally every surface is covered in gold. It's like Midas went inside and rubbed himself on every wall, arch, pillar, and stone. Lavish and beautiful.
If you google the church you can see a few photos of the altar, but they don't even begin to do the church justice. Here's a picture I took of the outside, which is less brightly hued but no less intricate.
I also had to include this photo to prove that the skies in Quito really are as hypnotizing-ly blue as everyone says they are. I can't remember exactly which church this is, but it really makes for a beautiful picture.