Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dear Consulate General...

I really need your assistance. Remember how I booked those pretty pricey flights a few months back? Well, I would very much like to be on them on Tuesday. 

I know, I know, I'm mostly to blame. Attribute it to 60% procrastination, 25% laziness, and 15% nerves. I should have sent my visa paperwork in WEEKS ago. But I didn't. And now I really need your assistance. So please, just speed up the paperwork, roll up the red tape, and hurry up the postal service. I promise to behave myself in your country! (Mostly.)

Thanks and please hurry,


Hello first-time readers! It's nice to meet you! (Of course by "meet", I mean imagine what you might be like. Are you tall? Short? Wearing pants? I hope for the sake of your neighbors that you are.)

Anyway, if you couldn't tell from the above letter, I am currently not-so-patiently awaiting the arrival of my visa. I am supposed to leave for Ecuador, where I will be living for the next four months, in three days and cannot leave unless it arrives. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!